Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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This section of the OFF-Book portal provides administrative information for the project contractual partners and for the European Commission and it is password protected.

Work in progress

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This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned.

Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.

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Partners' Institution:
University of Siena
Project's period (from/to):
01 November 2017 - 31 October 2019
Activity concerned:
PM - Project Management
Objectives of activities carried out:
Setting OFF Book work plan and timetable
Setting UniSi Team work plan and timetable
Exhaustive knowledge and comprehension of the main project management aspects and requirements
Production of OFF Book Italian brochure

Internal dissemination to make the academic community aware of OFF Book
External dissemination to EU and non-EU subjects and organisations of OFF Book context, target groups and general aims

Involvement of 6 Associated Partners

Evaluation of the project activities
Italian version of the project portal
Matching mid-term activity report and financial report requirements and deadlines

Final partners' meeting and final conference organisation and promotion
Description of activities carried out:
Participation in OFF Book kickoff meeting in Florence
In depth analysis of the material from the kick off meeting.

Translation from English into Italian of OFF-Book description and in-house printing of the OFF-Book Italian brochure

Providing UniSi Communication Office with OFF Book info to be published in UniSi portal, Twitter and Facebook accounts during the project life span (Nov 2017-Oct 2019)
A. Viviani's OFF Book presentation at Grosseto District (Nov. 2017)
Meeting with ForTes (Cultural Association in Siena) to disseminate OFF Book aims and content
A. Viviani's OFF Book presentation to Unicef volunteers in Siena
A. Viviani's OFF Book presentation of during the Second Project Partners Meeting of STAR - Stand Together Against Racism (Goglow, PL)
A. Viviani's OFF Book 3 presentations at The State University of New York Oneonta (Suny Oneonta, N.Y., USA) to Political Sciences students, Education students and in a free to public conference on "Xenophobia, silent racism and the refugees crisis in Europe from the perspective of human rights education" (Sept.2018)
A. Viviani's OFF Book presentation during the First Training Activity of the STAR project (Erasmus+ KA3) in Rispescia (IT) (Oct 2018)
A. Viviani's OFF Book presentation during TEVIP Lab (ERASMUS+ KA2 - Youth) in Siena (IT) (March 2019)
A. Viviani's OFF Book presentation during E-WORDS Final Conference (Europe for Citizens - Remembrance) in Maastricht (NL) (March 2019).
A. Viviani's OFF Book presentation at CISL (Teachers' Trade Union) meeting in Grosseto (IT) (July 2019)
A. Viviani's OFF Book presentation at Lucca Training Seminar for School Teachers, Lucca (IT) (October 2019)
A. Viviani's OFF Book presentation at Siena International School, Siena (IT) (October 2019)
A. Viviani's OFF Book presentation at Sustainable Development Goals Training seminar at Santa Chiara Lab, Siena (IT) (October 2019)
A. Viviani's OFF Book presentation at 4th International Conference on Human Rights, Coimbra (PT) (October 2019)
A. Viviani's OFF Book presentation during the Second Training Activity of the STAR project (Erasmus+ KA3) in Siena (IT) (Oct 2018)

Mail contacts with several institutions and associations dealing with migrants and education in view of their participation as Associate Partners

Telephone and mail contacts with Noi@Europe (Napoli, IT) in view of its joining OFF Book as an Associated Partner
Telephone and mail contacts with REDU (Florence, IT) in view of its joining OFF Book as an Associated Partner
Telephone and mail contacts with Associazione Danzarte (Grottaferrata, IT) in view of its joining OFF Book as an Associated Partner
Telephone and mail contacts with Human Rights Centre of Coimbra University (Coimbra, PT) in view of its joining OFF Book as an Associated Partner
Telephone and mail contacts with PASSI Società Cooperativa (Bologna, IT) in view of its joining OFF Book as an Associated Partner
Telephone and mail contacts with Fondazione Polo Universitario Grossetano, (IT) in view of its joining OFF Book as an Associated Partner

Informative mail messages to a wide range of national and European Organisations to make them aware of the project aims, objectives and work in progress.

Informative mail messages to a number of local newspapers to promote OFF-Book final conference in Grosseto (Oct 2019)

Writing of the evaluation report
Translation of the project portal from ENG into ITA

Organisation of the final partners' meeting and final conference in Grosseto: a) selecting the venues and mailing the Partners all the practical info on how to reach them; b) contacting local hotels and restaurants for the meals; c) booking the meeting room at Polo Universitario Grossetano (OFF-Book associated partners); d) mail and telephone exchanges with Grosseto Municipality for the hiring of Teatro degli Industri, as the location of the final conference; e) meetings with Pixel and TsGR for the organisation of the final partners' meeting and final conference as a performance of OFF-Book students; f) promoting the event on local media and stakeholders; g) realisation of gadgets for the final conference (t-shirts with OFF-Book logo); h) reception of the Partners.

Filling in time sheets and other forms for the mid-term and final reports
Results Achieved:
Partners' agreement on OFF Book work plan and timetable setting
UniSi Team agreement on OFF Book work plan and timetable setting
Ability to manage, implement and disseminate the project

OFF Book Italian brochure for UniSi and TsGR
Students, educators, professors, media and general public in Italy, Europe and USA became aware of the project aims, content, in progress activities and final outcomes.

Noi@Europe (Napoli, IT) joined the project as Associated Partner
REDU (Florence, IT) joined the project as Associated Partner
Associazione Danzarte (Grottaferrata, IT) joined the project as Associated Partner
Human Rights Centre of Coimbra University (Coimbra, PT) joined the project as Associated Partner
PASSI Società Cooperativa (Bologna, IT) joined the project as Associated Partner
Fondazione Polo Universitario Grossetano (IT) joined the project as Associated Partner

Evaluation report
Italian version of the project portal

Hosting the final Partners' meeting and final conference

Mid-term, final activity and financial reports

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.