This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned.
Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.
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Partners' Institution:
Klaipėda Simon Dach progimnasium
Project's period (from/to):
01 November 2017 - 31 October 2019
Activity concerned:
IO2 - Video Tutorial to Tackle Early School Leaving Through Theatrical Laboratories
Objectives of activities carried out:
The main OFF-BOOK methodological approach is to encourage the building of a new interaction between teachers and students putting the focus on the dialogue among individuals and not on the traditional vertical teaching methods, thus breaking up the still typical logic of traditional School education and dynamics within the class communities based on the overwhelming impact of personal opinions and judgments by individuals on other individuals.
The specific objective of this Intellectual Output is to produce a video that should assume the form of a "travel diary" and encompasses all the experiences performed in the OFF-Book project and share the experiences of all users (students, teachers and professionals) from the organizational phase until the closing of the experience.
Description of activities carried out:
Simon Dach progimnasium, working together with partner schools, is organizing the OFF-BOOK workshops, putting theoretical methodology in practice.
The visualization of methods is based in the Teachers‘ Guide and Video Tutorial.
Active communicating and work planning of video tutorial and five Lithuanian tabs have been organized by Simon Dach school.
The preparation and organization of the final OFF-Book event has been started.
The partner schools have been informed about the current state of the work, asked to prepare to give back workshops diaries and pupils’ feedback.
The interaction between partners and organizations, providing with the T-shirts and other supplies, have been set.
The subtitling and workshops' filming have been carried out, the video tutorials are being processed to make sure that all the requirements are met.
The final subtitling and video making has been finished.
The presentation of the National video and Video Tutorial.
Results Achieved:
An entire filming planing has been carried out successfully, as a result, all the Lithuanian tabs are filmed and ready for further processing.
The structure of the final event has been set, collaborating with partner schools.
Partner schools get ready for the final national video filming and the last work with the students at their schools.
The order of the T-shirts has been made, the work and planning of the final filming is in progress, as well.
The subtitling of video tutorial is being finished.
The final assessments and subtitling have been made for the final National Video.
The final video presentation has been carried out during the final project seminar.