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Partners' Institution:
Klaipeda University
Project's period (from/to):
01 November 2017 - 31 October 2019
Activity concerned:
PM - Project Management
Objectives of activities carried out:
The activities carried out of project management was divided in 3 fields:
PM1. Coordination of activities.
PM2. Dissemination.
PM3. Exploitation.
Setting OFF Book work plan and timetable
Setting KU Team work plan and timetable
Exhaustive knowledge and comprehension of the main project management aspects and requirements
Production of OFF Book Lithuanian brochure
Internal dissemination to make the academic community aware of OFF Book
External dissemination of OFF Book context, target groups and general aims
Involvement of 6 Associated Partners
Matching mid-term activity report and financial report requirements and deadlines
Description of activities carried out:
PM1. 2 persons of Klaipeda University participated in 1st Meeting in Florence (IT). In depth analysis of the material from the kick off meeting.
As a lead partner Klaipėda University has organised and participated in 2nd project meeting in Klaipeda (LT).
As a lead partner Klaipeda University participated in 3rd project meeting in Iasi (RO).
Selected and involved 7 schools from Klaipėda, 19 teachers of humanistic subjects and / or other subjects, 288 students. They all uploaded on the project portal of the School Presentation Forms.
Production and Uploading of Project Activities Report and Project Financial Report.
PM2. The brochure of the project was developed and uploaded to the project portal.
Translation from English into Lithuanian of IHR description and in-house printing of IHR Lithuanian brochure
Providing KU Communication Department with OFF Book info to be published in KU portal, Twitter and Facebook accounts
During the period of 1st November until 30th March 15 dissemination events made and uploaded on the project website.
G. Straksiene's OFF Book presentation at the International conference in Fukuoka (Japan) (March 26-28, 2018).
G. Straksiene's OFF Book presentation at the National Sociological conference in Klaipeda (Lithuania) (October 13, 2018).
G. Straksiene's Book presentation of during the CaSYPot Project Partners Meeting in Svetlogorsk (Russia) (May, 13-15, 2018).
G. Straksiene's Book presentations to Education and Drama students and in a free to public conference on (September, 2018).
G. Straksiene's Book presentation during the final conference of the Alpine INTERREG project in Chambery (France) (October, 2018)
G. Straksiene's presentation during the international conference "The Future of Educatiom"27-28 June, 2019, Florence, Italy.
Telephone and mail contacts Klaipeda Aukuras Gymnasium (Klaipeda, LT) in view of its joining OFF Book as an Associated Partner
Telephone and mail contacts Involved Education Development Centre (Vilnius, LT). (EDC) is the biggest institution affiliate to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania providing educational support in the field of pre-school, primary and general education. EDC staff consists of more than 100 professionals in education. Education Development Centre undertakes to share information about project with interested parties via available information channels, to present project results to teachers and other pedagogical staff with, to use results for development and implementation of general education content.
Telephone and mail contacts with Gedminai progymnasium (Klaipeda, LT) in view of its joining OFF Book as an Associated Partner
Telephone and mail contacts with Western Lithuanian Parents Forum (Klaipeda, LT) in view of its joining OFF Book as an Associated Partner
Telephone and mail contacts with Klaipeda Child Leisure Time Center (Klaipeda, LT) in view of its joining OFF Book as an Associated Partner
Telephone and mail contacts with KPSCK – Klaipėdos miesto pedagogų švietimo ir kultūros centras (Teachers‘ Education and Culture Center of Klaipėda) (Klaipeda, LT) in view of its joining OFF Book as an Associated Partner
Telephone and mail contacts with the LS Pamario tuntas (Klaipėda Scout unit).
Informative article to LNA to make them aware of the project aims, objectives and work in progress.
Filling in timesheets and other forms for the mid-term reports
Writing of the evaluation report
Translation of the project portal from ENG into LT
Results Achieved:
PM1. Coordination of activities:
Participation in the project partners meeting in Florence, organised and participated in the partners meeting in Klaipėda and also in Iasi (RO).
Selected and involved to the project 7 school of Klaipeda city, 20 teachers and 570 students. Produced in progress report on activities and financial report.
Partners' agreement on OFF Book work plan and timetable setting.
KU Team agreement on OFF Book work plan and timetable setting.
Ability to manage, implement and disseminate the project.
PM2. Dissemination:22 dissemination events have made and uploaded on the project web site. The OF- Book Lithuanian brochures were distributed. Students, educators, professors and general public in Lithuania, Europe became aware of the project aims, content and in progress activities.
PM3. Exploitation. 7 assciociated partners were involved.
Education Development Centre (EDC) joined the project as Associated Partner.
Gedminai progymnasium joined the project as Associated Partner.
VLTF (Western Lithuanian Parents Forum) the project as Associated Partner.
Klaipeda Child Leisure Time joined the project as Associated Partner.
KPSCK – Klaipėdos miesto pedagogų švietimo ir kultūros centras /Teachers‘ Education and Culture Center of Klaipėda) joined the project as Associated Partner.
Klaipeda Aukuras Gymnasium joined the project as Associated Partner.
Asociation LS Pamario tuntas (Klaipėda Scout unit) joined as Associated Partner.
Production of the Evaluation report
Production of the Lithuanian version of the project portal.