Partners' Institution:
Teatro Stabile di Grosseto
Project's period (from/to):
01 November 2017 - 31 October 2019
Activity concerned:
PM - Project Management
Objectives of activities carried out:
The project management is carried out throughout the project period and ensures the correct development of the project activities and the achievements of the expected results.
It is diveided into 4 main activities:
- Coordination of the activities
- Dissemination
- Exploitation
- Evaluation
Coordination of the activities
It includes:
• Planning of all the activities of the project for the 2 years project life
• Participation in and organisaiton of 4 transnational meetings of the steering committee
• Creation and update of the project website
• In progress reporting activities and delivery of yearly reports at progress and final stage
• Constant sharing of solutions and circulation of information through e-mails and skype meetings
• Check of the project state of art and of the respecting of the deadlines
In includes:
- Making the OFF-Book Portal accessible to the largest possible number of school teachers in secondary schools, students, school directors and policy makers in charge of education policy definition
- Sharing the OFF-Book Portal and the results of the OFF-Book project with the highest number of operators in the field of education
- Sharing the OFF-Book Portal and the results of the OFF-Book project with the highest number of citizens
- Spreading the OFF-Book activities and results on the most popular Social Network (Facebook and Twitter)
In the framework of this Teatro Stabile has to carry out the following activities:
- Content contribution on Facebook page
- Creation of the forms to be used by the partnerships
- Traslation of the Project brochure in National languages
- Dissemination activities
- Creation of the Off-book index
- Creation of examples for better understanting and coordination among partners about Off-book index
It aims to promote the project sustainability. The actions to be carried out are:
• Promote the Portal through the exchange links with Portals addressing similar issues (e.g. Portals providing educational materials for teachers; portals on the theatrical topic, etc.)
• Promote the among public authorities and key policy makers in order to gain institutional consensus and promoting the insertion of project results in policies for Education.
• Involve new members as associated partners
. Involve professionals
The aim of evaluation is to measure and ensure the quality of all the activities and of the project intellectual output.
Description of activities carried out:
Coordination of the activities
Teatro Stabile, in cooperation with the project scientific coordinators and Pixel, produced all the material about school theatrical laboratories for the kick-off meeting. Teatro Stabile produced the technical content for partners' meeting. In particular:
1. The first proposal for IO1.A – Table of Contents: Guidelines for Teachers on Performing Arts to Promote Integration at School, discussed during the meeting
2. Written examples of theatrical laboratories' exercises were provided for all the partners attending the meeting
3. Teatro Stabile made a video to give extra Information to partners attending the meeting about theatrical laboratories exercises..
4..A Teatro Stabile presentation was created using MS PowerPoint and was introduced during the meeting.
5. Theatrical laboratories exercises presentation was created using MS PowerPoint and was introduced during the meeting.
6. Teatro Stabile contributed to the Calendar of Activities, an instrument for all partners to have a complete and resumed view over the activities of the project in all its length.
7. After the meeting, Teatro Stabile organised with its own staff in Grosseto an OFF-book project presentation
Teatro Stabile as the technical partner provides its educational method and its technical support. Teatro Stabile’s educational method can provide an opportunity to develop students’ soft skills and can reinforce their mutual knowledge and understanding despite cultural differences and develop their social competences to combat discrimination and exploit multiculturalism as an added value. According to Pixel and scientific coordinator Teatro Stabile provide an innovative Theatrical Laboratories in the OFF BOOK project approach, that differ from traditional ones currently adopted in school environments that are widely used only for artistic purposes, replicating the logic of the "theatre of the adults", such as 'role playing' (actors impersonating characters, putting aside their own characteristics). Teatro Stabile di Grosseto has been organising the work at school, getting the students according to their personal needs. All the partner schools have been contacted and informed about the upcoming second meeting, which will be held September 2018.
The issue of associate partners has been carried out, various institutions and organisations have been informed and invited to join OFF-BOOK activities. Theatre Lab start and Teatro Stabile di Grosseto is recording during October tabs and videos.
Telephone and mail contacts with school joining OFF Book as a School involved keep to be done.
Mail contacts with several institutions and associations dealing with education in view of their participation as new Associate Partners are running during October 2018 and will be kept during all the Off-book project long
Filling in timesheets and other forms for the mid-term reports (in progress)
Teatro Stabile organized several dissemination events in Italy and carried out on the portal.
Teatro Stabile contributed to the translation of the project’s brochure in a national language.
Teatro Stabile provided the first proposal for the Table of Contents: Guidelines for Teachers on Performing Arts to Promote Integration at School discussed during the meeting.
Teatro Stabile has involved the associated partners and collected exploitation links (as shown in the project portal)
Teatro Stabile has involved schools (as shown in the project portal)
Teatro Stabile wrote several contents on Output 1
Teatro Stabile organised his own staff for the participation to the second meeting in Klaipeda
Teatro Stabile contributed to the final version of Output 1 after the participation of the second meeting in Kalipeda
Teatro Stabile organised his own staff to contribute to the translation in the national language of the Output 1 during June and July 2018 and Output 2 during August and September 2019
Teatro stabile during August and September 2018 worked and is now working on the production of the demo video tutorials for the tabs
Teatro Stabile coordinated all the works for National Video during March - April - May 2019
Teatro Stabile coordinated all the works for the transnational video during June - July - August and September 2019
Pixel, in cooperation with University of Siena and Teatro Stabile Grosseto, produced a detailed calendar of activities in order to identify the different partners' roles, deadlines and responsibilities.
The calendar of activities has been presented, discussed and approved during the second partners' meeting in Klaipeda and during the third meeting in JAsi
Teatro Stabile Grosseto together with Pixel,(IT), produced the following templates:
- Template: IO2.A - Guidelines to Implement the Theatrical Laboratories
- Template: IO2.B - Guidelines to Produce the National Videos
- Template: IO2.C - Guidelines to Produce the Video tutorials for the Tabs
- Template: IO2.D - Guidelines for Video Subtitles
The templates have been presented, discussed and approved during the second partners' meeting.
Partners are currently collecting the videos for the preparatory activities and Pixel support them.
From 15 April 2019 to 15 June 2019 Teatro Stabile di Grosseto upload on the YouTube project channel of the second part of the national video separated from the subtitles according to the template IO2.D
Teatro Stabile di Grosseto upload on the YouTube project channel of 5 videos per country showing the implementation of the tabs with students (video is separated from the subtitles according to the template IO2.D)
The internal evaluation of the project’s activities is carried out according to an evaluation model developed by Pixel.
Results Achieved:
Coordination of the activities
1. Organisation of kick off participation
2. Meeting theatrical laboratories exercises materials
3. Table of Contents: Guidelines for Teachers on Performing Arts to Promote Integration at School
4. Theatrical laboratories exercises power point presentation
5. Theatrical laboratories exercises video presentation
6. Theatrical laboratories exercises written presentation
7. Forms to be used for the Theatrical laboratories exercises
8. Example of filled form to be used for the theatrical laboratories exercises
9. Partners' roles on producing theatrical laboratories exercises
10. Organisation of an internal meeting about the OFF-book project
11. Organisation of a meeting with professionals involving in student education about Off-book project
12. Contact for collection of exploitation links
13. Organisation of dissemination events
14. Contents Output 1: from paragraph 3.3 to paragraph 3.8
15. Contents Output 1: from paragraph 4 to paragraph 4.2
16. Contents Output 1: chapter 4.3 n° 5 tabs
17. Draft version Template IO2.a
18. Draft versionTemplate IO2.b
19. Draft versionTemplate IO2.c
20. Transactional second meeting participation in Klaipeda
21. Definitive version Template IO2.a
22. Definitive versionTemplate IO2.b
23. Definitive versionTemplate IO2.c
24. Definitive version of Output 1
25. Contribution to the traslation of Output 1 in national language
26. Organisation of an internal meeting about the second output of the OFF-book project development
27. Organisation of a meeting with professionals involving in student education about the second output of the OFF-book project development
28. Organisation of school meeting with teachers
29. Organisation of new dissemination events
29. Organisation of recording process and procedures
30. Organisation of Teatre Lab in schools
31. Delivery of Theatre Lab in schools
32. Recording Theatre Lab
33. Recording Tabs
34. Demo video tutorial production
35. The DEMO Playlist is available on the project YouTube Channel at
36. Implementation tab template
37. Implementation Tab
38. National video
39. Transnational video
A total number of 49 dissemination events have been carried out..
- Several exploitation links and associated partners are available on the project portal.