Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Work in progress

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This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned.

Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.

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Partners' Institution:
EUROED Primary School
Project's period (from/to):
01 November 2017 - 31 October 2019
Activity concerned:
IO1 - Guideline for Teachers on Performing Arts to Promote Integration at School
Objectives of activities carried out:
The main OFF-BOOK methodological approach is to encourage the building of a new interaction between teachers and students putting the focus on the dialogue among individuals and not on the traditional vertical teaching methods, thus breaking up the still typical logic of traditional School education and dynamics within the class communities based on the overwhelming impact of personal opinions and judgments by individuals on other individuals.

The specific objective of this Intellectual Output is to produce a Guideline for Teachers on the use of Performing Arts to promote integration at school providing school Teachers with a comprehensive picture on how to make an effective use of Performing Arts and Theatrical Laboratories with their students, in order to IMPACT on school communities needs by:
Enhancing a new dialogue pattern among teachers and students
Enhancing students' skills with special reference to soft skills
Enhancing the dialogue among students with special concern to multicultural classes in order to combat prejudices and discrimination practices
Combating ESL as a consequence of the shift in teachers/students relation from vertical to horizontal
Contributing to teachers' curricula development with special reference to the role of facilitator in non formal education environments.
Actions to be Carried Out:
IO1.1) Creation of all templates needed for carrying out the activities
IO1.2) Proposal of the contents of the guideline for teachers
IO1.3) Development of the draft version of the chapters
IO1.4) Transnational Online Discussion
IO1.5) Development of the final version of the chapters
IO1.6) Preparation of the guide for the online version
IO1.7) Feedback on the chapters produced by the others
IO1.8) Discussion on the draft version of the guide
IO1.9) Contribution to the final version of the guideline
IO1.10) Proofreading of all the chapters of the guideline
Description of activities carried out:
The teachers involved in the project have been informed about IO1 - Guidelines for Teachers on Performing Arts to Promote Integration at School, and about the chapter to be developed by EuroEd in collaboration with Klaipeda Simon Dach School - Chapter 2-Methodological and Pedagogical Aspects.
The production of the chapters has been divided and the teachers have structured work and researched on the materials to be used in order to produce the sub-chapters of chapter 2 of the guide.
Work in progress on the chapter we are responsible for.
Production of the guide draft.
Contributed to the online discussion about the guideline
Discussions with the other partners about the final version of the guideline.
Contribution to the final version of the guideline.
Proofreading of the chapters of the final version of the guideline.
Results Achieved:
Production of the draft version of the guideline related to the first intellectual output.
Sending the first option of the chapter.
Sending the final option of the chapter.
Production of the final version of the guideline.
Proofreading of all the chapters of the guideline.
The final version of the guideline is available online on the project portal in all partners' languages.
The teachers involved in the activities of the project have worked the Tabs in their classrooms with the students.
The guidelines are followed during the project activities.
The guidelines are shared with the people participating in the dissemination events.
The teachers involved in the project use the guidelines in their work withe the students.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.