Partners' Institution:
Klaipėda Simon Dach progimnasium
Project's period (from/to):
01 November 2017 - 31 October 2019
Activity concerned:
IO1 - Guideline for Teachers on Performing Arts to Promote Integration at School

Objectives of activities carried out:
The main OFF-BOOK methodological approach is to encourage the building of a new interaction between teachers and students putting the focus on the dialogue among individuals and not on the traditional vertical teaching methods, thus breaking up the still typical logic of traditional School education and dynamics within the class communities based on the overwhelming impact of personal opinions and judgments by individuals on other individuals.

The specific objective of this Intellectual Output is to produce a Guideline for Teachers on the use of Performing Arts to promote integration at school providing school Teachers with a comprehensive picture on how to make an effective use of Performing Arts and Theatrical Laboratories with their students, in order to IMPACT on school communities needs by:
• Enhancing a new dialogue pattern among teachers and students
• Enhancing students' skills with special reference to soft skills
• Enhancing the dialogue among students with special concern to multicultural classes in order to combat prejudices and discrimination practices
• Combating ESL as a consequence of the shift in teachers/students relation from vertical to horizontal
• Contributing to teachers' curricula development with special reference to the role of facilitator in non formal education environments
• Improving schools' capacity of planning, managing, implementing and evaluating new educational paths with special reference to multiculturalism favouring civil coexistence

Description of activities carried out:
Simon Dach progymnasium, working with the partners from Romania, has been developing the second chapter of the Teachers' Guide "Methodological and Pedagogical Aspects".

All the partner schools have been contacted and informed about upcoming second meeting, which will be held September 26th.

The issue of associate partners has been carried out, various institutions and organizations have been informed and invited to join OFF-BOOK activities.

More pupils are being involved in the project, as well as the teachers.

Several student groups have been formed to work on the project methods.

The project representing gifts for the partners and participants have been ordered and delivered.

November 12th the project partners — Klaipeda Puppet Theater, KU, and Simon Dach progymnasium — had a meeting discussing the essential questions for the further work.

The Teacher’s Guidelines have been adapted and tried out with various students in lessons as well as the special practical day learning.

The partner schools, as well as Simon Dach progymnasium, have finished the workshop of OFF-Book teachers' methods period. The feedback has been collected and the final event has been carried out.

The final adaptations of Teachers‘ Guidelines have been made. The students‘ testimony and general feedback have been collected.

The final project seminar has been organised.

Results Achieved:
The draft version of the guideline is available.

All the schools have approved and signed participation documents needed.

One associated partner has been added — Dvasinės Pagalbos Jaunimui Centras.

Simon Dach has 80 students participating and helping with OFF-BOOK dissemination at school and more.

The specific number of students for the filming was selected, other pupils, deciding not to be filmed, are working separately.
The symbolic representation gifts will be given to the project partners during the filming meetings with the Puppet Teater.
During the partners‘ meeting: the main points of official Lithuanian Agency audit were discussed in order to make the project more effective and fulfilling; the force mejeur situation, the national teacher strike and its impact on the project workshops, has been discussed.

The students, working in practical learning day, have tried out the methods and gave very detail feedback.

The partner schools, as well as Simon Dach progymnasium, have finished the workshop of OFF-Book teachers' methods period. The feedback has been collected and the final event has been carried out.

The Teachers‘ Guide is ready for printing; student‘s feedback will be used during the future workshops.

The reached project goals have been presented to 20 teachers and educators, the participants of this seminar.